Writing a Job Description That Will Attract the Best Candidates

Person fills out a job description form before looking for good job

When you’re in the process of adding a new employee to your team, there are many steps you must take to ensure you’re hiring the best person for the job, from interviews to background checks. It can be a complex process, especially if you have many candidates or find yourself growing frustrated in your search for the ideal fit with your company. However, there is something that can make the entire process easier, more effective, and less time-consuming: a great job description.

A well-written job description not only tells potential employees about the responsibility, challenges, and benefits of the role, but also gives you a chance to highlight what you’re looking for in an employee, increasing your chances of finding someone who meshes well with your company, expectations, and goals. A job description also helps both you and your employees avoid surprises or disappointments, and ensures that everyone is on the same page from the very first interview. To create a job description that will help you find the best potential employees, keep these tips in mind.

Be specific

If you’re adding someone new to your team, it likely means that you have a specific role that needs to be filled. When writing a job description, be specific about the role and its responsibilities. Start with a formal, defined title, like “Part-Time Marketing Assistant” or “Technical Support Specialist” and try to avoid creative or exaggerated titles, no matter how fun they may sound. Listing a job as “Communications Ninja” does show your relaxed side, but it also doesn’t highlight the specifics of the job.

You should also outline the responsible of the job. Be as detailed as possible and include all the major expectations of the job, plus any other duties the employee will be expected to perform. If there is an important aspect that you think potential employees should be aware of, like how many people they’ll be managing, you should also address that within the job description.

One great way to make sure you’re hitting all the main points is to talk to your current employees in the same or similar positions. Ask them to come up with lists of their main responsibilities, then use that to create your job description.

Set expectations

No one wants to be hit with a sudden surprise on their first day at a new job and you don’t want a new employee who realizes they don’t want to do the work you’re asking them to do! To avoid this, clearly set your expectations in your job description. If you are expecting an employee to work occasional weekend events or travel to conferences, for instance, mention this in the job description. This ensures that there will be no big surprises down the line and makes sure potential employees know what they’re signing up for. It also means that if a potential employee sees an expectation they know they’re not able to meet, they might pass up on even applying for the job, saving you the trouble of sitting through an unfulfilling, unproductive interview.

Talk about growth and benefits

Potential employees also want to know what they’ll be getting out of working with your company. In the job description, don’t just talk about what you’re expecting from your potential employee—also share some details about how they’ll benefit from joining your company. If there is potential for growth or movement within the company, this is something that should be mentioned within the job descriptions. You can also mention training potential employees will have access to, special company events, or any other relevant facts about your company’s culture.

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