How to Keep Managers Happy and Engaged

Business people talking in the hallway of the modern office building

Happy managers lead to happy employees! When your business has engaged, effective, and fulfilled managers or supervisors, their hard work and positive attitude will trickle down to the employees they oversee. At the same time, if a manager feels unsatisfied or takes a negative approach to their work, it can damage their employees’ moods and work ethics.

To promote a productive workplace environment from the top down, follow these tips for helping your manager and supervisors have a positive attitude about their job.

Keep an Open Line of Communication

You likely expect your company’s managers to keep their employees up-to-date on everything from changing safety policies to quarterly goals. This means that if you want your managers to be informed and engaged, you need to have an open, reliable line of communication with them. Keep your managers informed about any changes or updates, particularly when it’s something that impacts them and the employees they oversee. Be transparent, honest, and clear about goals, issues, and other important matters. By keeping your managers in the loop, you show them that they’re a valuable, appreciated member of the team. Plus, having excellent communications at the highest levels helps make everything run more smoothly.

Provide Opportunities for Learning and Growth

Another way to keep your managers engaged—and to make sure great employees stay with your company—is to provide plenty of opportunities for your manager to learn and grow. To keep managers from feeling unfulfilled or plateaued in their current position, offer them the chance to grow their professional skills through seminars or other educational courses, or give them the chance to use their skills outside of their day-to-day duties. This signals to your managers that you care about their unique skills and that you want them to grow within your company.

Listen to Feedback

To keep your managers happy and engaged, take the time to listen to their thoughts and concerns. Make yourself available to interact with your managers, both formally and informally, and show that you value their voice by listening to their feedback and, as necessary, implementing practical suggestions to improve their morale. Encourage an open, friendly environment where managers feel like they can discuss their job with you—and where you can also provide feedback to them. This type of communicative workplace environment fosters a greater sense of honesty, progress, and community for all employees, including your managers.

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