3 Tools for Monitoring and Managing Your Remote Employees

A woman, in front of her computer, while in a video call

Are my employees staying productive? Is their workload too heavy too light? How do I know if someone is struggling? If you’re a business owner, manager, or supervisor with remote employees, you might find yourself asking questions like these! While allowing employees to work from home has many benefits, it can also lead to a sense of disconnect and an increased risk of miscommunications, halted productivity, and unmotivated teams. To make sure your remote employees are staying caught-up and connected, consider these three tools for managing and monitoring your remote teams.

#1: Create a Self-Reporting System

One of the simplest ways to track your remote employees is to create a self-reporting system. In this kind of system, your remote employees email reports about their day-to-day tasks. In these reports, they can 

  • Give updates on current projects or tasks
  • Alert you to any issues
  • Let you know if they are ready to take on new responsibilities 

As a business owner or team leader, you can choose when to have your employees check in. For example, you might want to receive reports at the end of each work day, or might prefer to receive a once-a-week self-report. 

#2: Find the Best Time-Tracking Tools

Many employers also like to use software to monitor their remote employees, such as time-tracking software. By using time-tracking software, you can see what their employees are working on and when they’re doing it. You can tell if an employee is taking too long on a project, or if they have extra time to take on additional tasks. 

If you’re interested in time-tracking software, there are many options. Take the time to research and find something to best fit your needs. 

#3: The Power of Email

To track and manage remote employees, you can also look at their email inboxes. To get an understanding of workload and other issues, check your employees’ inboxes to see:

  • How many emails they send and receive per day
  • The times when they send and receive the most emails
  • How long it takes them to respond to an email

By looking at factors like these, you can figure out when employees are working, how quickly they’re finishing tasks, and if they’re struggling under a heavy workload.

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