Risk Mitigation

Reduce Your Exposure to Risks

Modern Insurance Partners is comprised of risk management experts who are ready to help identify, analyze, and implement strategies to minimize risk exposure while maximizing profits. We have Risk Management in our DNA. Depending on your premium, we offer a suite of Risk Management services that can help you lower your MOD and reduce your Workers’ Comp’ rates.

We engage with you like no other agency can with:

  • A staff of experienced Workers’ Compensation Professionals to guide you through the minefield of Work’ Comp’.


  • Through a unique Risk Management review of your claims process and history, we are able to recommend remedies, procedures and prevention measures that dramatically reduce the frequency and severity of future claims.


  • Modern Insurance Partner experts can make on-site visits to offer needed and/or regulatory required risk and safety recommendations.


  • Within 7-10 days of registration, new clients are given extensive training in claim reporting, applicant screening and hiring, drug policies, accident investigation strategies, and pragmatic safety programs.


  • All clients receive state of the art pre-employment screening tools that weed out predators before they hit payroll.
  • We guide our clients to ensure that all applicants are fully screened for their ability to perform the essential functions of the job and screened for drug/alcohol use.


  • For qualifying clients, we can provide RN Case Management services with ongoing supervision.


  • We can help you design customized, behavior-driven light duty programs designed for every industry, every type of work restriction and every possible circumstance.


  • Our clients are trained in the creation of light duty programs, designed to flush out predators, which reduces claim costs often enabling claim costs often enabling rapid case closure. Our staff RN case manager recommends light duty assignments, supervising them from start to finish.


Our Risk Management Services Includes:

Claims Consultation

  • Consult to help you prevent loss events and minimize claims costs.
  • Audits, reviews, and analysis for both open and closed claims.
  • Back to work strategies to weed out fraud.
  • Advocating on your behalf with insurance carriers and claims professionals.

Risk Management Consulting

  • Risk reviews and assessments by our risk management specialists, including safety programs, OSHA compliance audits, site evaluation, and environmental assessments.
  • Analyze loss trends and develop risk and accident reduction plans.

Third-Party Administration

  • We can ensure claims are handled with maximum efficiency, by taking day-to-day claims administration off your plate with our Third Party Administration program.
  • Claims management for workers’ compensation and property and casualty.
  • We can also manage self-insured and large deductible plans.