Whether you’re looking for a little extra help or hoping to teach your ethics to a bright young mind, hiring an intern can bring great success to your business. However, having a new and inexperienced person on your team also has the potential to disrupt your day-to-day business. Is an intern the right choice for your business? Here are some pros and cons of hiring an intern to consider before taking on an intern.
The Pros of Hiring an Intern
They’re eager—and excited—to get to work
Interns are typically young. They might still be in school or looking to take their first steps into their chosen career field. If an intern wants to work with you, they are probably very intrigued by what your business does. They will be excited for the chance to learn more. They will likely also be eager to impress and ready to show off their finest skills, which will bring fresh energy that can invigorate your entire team.
Interns bring a new perspective
Along with energy, an intern may bring new ideas and unique perspectives to your business. While you teach them the ins-and-outs of your business, they can also give you insights about new trends to help you connect with a younger market, or provide fresh feedback on ongoing projects. By bringing in a new pair of eyes, you have a great chance to see your business from a new outlook.
A good intern can become a full-time employee
At the end of a successful internship, you might find yourself with the perfect full-time employee. Internships are a great way to find dedicated, passionate employees, and being able to offer an intern a full-time job is a win-win for everyone involved.
The Cons of Hiring an Intern
Interns need training and support
Since interns are often young and inexperienced, they require in-depth training. Though this can pay off, training an intern takes time away from your busy day-to-day business activities. Before you make the decision to bring on an intern, it’s important to consider if you can provide the training and support your intern will need in order to be a productive member of your team.
Interns need meaningful work
When you hire an intern, you need to give them meaningful work. They are there because they want to learn about your specific role or industry, and will likely not be happy if you give them unrelated busywork. If you want your intern to do their best work—and for them to feel fulfilled—you will need to give them significant, productive work. If you are just looking for someone to perform menial tasks, an intern might not be the best fit.
An intern can be expensive
Whether your intern is paid or unpaid, hiring an intern can still be an expensive endeavor. Taking the time out of your day to train and encourage an intern can hurt your bottom line, and it is important to consider if they will ultimately help or harm your business.
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